
Friday 6 October 2017

Inferring in reading

This week in reading we were learning about inferring.

Inferring is when you bring what you know, and read from a text then combined the two to make a inference.

It's important to infer so you understand the text, because if you don't you will just read it and not understand anything. We learnt how to infer by reading sentences then looking at our book for this week.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Fantastic tinfoil boats!

goal: how to make a tinfoil boat boat that could carry lots plastic teddy's and dinosaurs.


• tinfoil
• whiteboard
• whiteboard marker
• plastic teddies
• water
• buckets
• plastics dinosaurs


1.get a square piece of tinfoil and start folding it into any shape like a oval,square,rectangle and circle.

2. Next you take your bucket or buckets outside and put some water inside the bucket or buckets.

 3. Then you put your tinfoil boat in with your teddies then write it down and verse some other people to Se how much the other people had in there boat.

Monday 7 August 2017

Amazing Aquatic jelly

Aquatic jelly is like water when you first make it because you use water. Aquatic jelly is a tasty thing.

Aquatic jelly sounds wobbly once it's been in the fridge overnight at home or school .

Aquatic jelly can smell like blueberries and strawberries.

 What you need to make Aquatic jelly: Jelly crystals,water a spoon or Popsicle stick.then put it in the fridge overnight so it sets.

Aquatic jelly tastes like blubberies.  Aquatic jelly feels really wobbly and and gooey.

Aquatic jelly an look like all different colour jelly crystals.

Aquatic jelly is hard and wobbly because it's been in the fridge overnight. Although Aquatic jelly is wobbly, it still tastes good.

Jelly might taste good, but it's full of sugar. In conclusion i think aquatic jelly tastes good.

Monday 12 June 2017

The evil cat and evil dog narrative story

Check out this movie I made in iMovie! It is about an evil cat and evil dog who take over the world. I wrote the story and made the pictures myself.

Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

New Blog

I have a blog of my own.